Creating an end-to-end app to increase the life quality of people who deliver food by bike daily
During the pandemic, the number of existing food ordering platforms increased. Nowadays more and more people work as a food deliverer because there is a high demand and is a well-paid job. However, there are several struggles the riders face daily.
I designed an application for the riders to help improve their workflow
Research, user interviews, persona, site mapping, task/user flows, sketching, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, UI Design, branding
4 weeks
Figma, Adalo
See prototypeAfter the initial research about the biking applications, I decided to choose a socially responsible aspect. This project aims to design an end-to-end application to increase the life quality of people who deliver food by bike daily.
Happy employee = Successful brand
In other words, when employees are happy in their jobs, they’re much more likely to stay and perform well. There are a lot of apps for people who like to order food online, but not one single app to help people doing food delivery by bike. What can be done to make food deliverers work easier?
During the pandemic, people started spending more time at home, doing home office and running errands from home. This not only boosted the number of existing food ordering platforms but also increased the number of companies hiring bikers for delivery. Nowadays more and more people work as food deliverers because there is a high demand and is a well-paid job. However, there are several struggles the riders face daily and the companies don´t have an efficient application designed for their employees to help improve their workflow.
Secondary research showed that there are not any apps designed to help deliverers open to the public. After this discovery, I decided to talk to people who work as food deliverers. I could interview 4 people who currently do food delivery by bike from a variety of demographic backgrounds and 2 different food delivery companies: Mjam & Lieferando
Three of the participants had been working as a deliverer temporarily since the pandemic started as they had lost their jobs in gastronomy and as musicians. Only one of the participants had been working as a rider full-time with a contract.
The interviews were conducted on What´s App and Skype and voice recordings were saved with the permisson of the participants. The questions were open-end questions encouraging them to tell more about their motivations to work as a food deliverer, pains and goals. The questions were mainly concentrated on the following aspects:
The interviews provided valuable info about these topics. Here are some interesting key takeaways from the interviews that helped to define the problems:
During this project, the interview participants have helped developing the persona rather than the secondary research as the apps used in food delivery business are specific to the companies and are not for public use:
In the next step, I started thinking about the site map of the app with the existing problems highlighted by the participants that can potentially be turned into design opportunities :
In the light of the information derived from the research phase, I started thinking about the user flows with sketches to figure out the pain points to address solutions.
I have created the User Flows with a combination of hand-sketched wireframes. The greatest pain points of the interview participants were the repeating problems in the daily workflow regarding pick-up/delivery, not being provided help when there is an accident/flat tire and not being informed about the possible bad weather conditions. So that I concentrated on this particular topics creating User Flows
After this study, I decided to concentrate on solving the three main pain points: Workflow Improvement, Be Informed about the Weather Conditions, and Get Help When Needed.
The usability test was done with 3 participants from several demographic backgrounds who had been working for a food delivery company for several years. Same participants had also taken partin the interviews. The participants were asked to:
Screens were recorded by the participants and sent to me with their comments. Then, I had short follow-up interviews with them to talk about their comments. Key takeaways of the interviews are listed below: